Co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union
The European Commission's support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union
The European Commission's support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union
The European Commission's support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Wednesday, 30 May 2018
SON MACIA, MANACOR (SPAIN) 21 - 25.05.2018
At the International Seminar participated:
- pupils and teachers from the partners’ schools from
Romania, Greece, Italy, Turkey and Bulgaria
- President of local Parents' Association: Mrs. Catalina
Febrer Bauzà
- Delegate of Manacor City Council, Mrs. Miquel Perelló
- Local television where our project has been presented:
IB3 TV. Program "Pobles" day of publication 24.5.2018 minute14
SHORT-TERM OF EXCHANGE OF PUPILS between 21 - 25.05.2017
SON MACIA, MANACOR, SPAIN - 21 – 25.05.2018
The topic of this exchange is “EUROPE TOURIST
From Monday till Friday, from 8.30 till 12.30 the
foreign students attend the classes in the Spanish school, “CEIP MESTRE PERE
GARAU”. After they took lunch in school, the pupils continue with
extracurricular activities connected to the project’s aims and agreed with the
Student exchange activities
organized to achieve the project goals:
1.To improve the knowledge of
different local cultures of Europe by producing sustainable modern materials that
preserve our cultural identity
For this objective:
- pupils participated in classes of
different subjects – history, music, dances, paints, technology and observed
school’s books and they all talked about their local traditions. Pupils visited
a history museum accompanied by the Spanish pupils that guide them.
- pupils from the participating,
dresses in their traditional costumes performed traditional dances
- all the participants worked
together to prepare big panels with photos from their countries showing the
most important places – they all presented their materials in front of the
others pupils
- during curricular classes, there
were made a big activity with 5 Spanish classes and 6 teachers for the
Gastronomy club – makingtraditional
cookies using English and Spanish languages and preparing traditional food (Panades). They made pictures and articles that were
material for the Gastronomy E-magazine;
- on Tuesday afternoon, the pupils visited the history museum, Almudaina Palace
together with the Spanish working team – they made pictures and articles - the
materials were made into the Historical E-magazine;
- Pupils made extracurricular
activities – visit to the UNESCO monument, Serra de Tramuntana with Spanish students that guide them on Wednesday
afternoon. They made pictures and
articles that were material for the UNESCO E-magazine;
- On Thursday, between 13.00 - 15.00, took place
the International workshop dedicated to the European Year of Cultural Heritage
”Cultural mapping of Europe” in the presence pupils, teachers, parents, members
of the Municipality, Delegate of the City Council of Manacor and Councilor of
Son Macià: Miquel Perelló Román, President of the parents' association:
Catalina Febrer Bauzà, local members of the community and media.
2. To improve knowledge of European
All the participants spoke in
English but after 2 days they learned common Spanish words.
3. To improve computer and Internet
communications skills
- During the IT classes the pupils
exchange between them experience with each other in their knowledge of using
the Internet, the Word, the Power Point and Prezi program.
- on Monday,
the pupils presented to the hosting pupils and teachers Power Points, movies
and photos about their schools and their activities in the project to their
- all the partners’ team presented 1 artistic
moment of traditional dance used for the Local Traditions E-magazine
4. To create and developing
networks between European schools for an exchange of experience and cooperation
in future projects
- throughout the
exchange of students, accompanying teachers participated with students at all
activities of the host school and had many discussions with the school staff.
As a result of these discussions, common needs, common interests the partners
decided to apply for the next year for another Erasmus+ on arts crafts theme.
of the exchange
-All students had personal diary in which they
wrote observations, assessments and comments analyzed at the end of exchange;
-At the end of every day the students applied
questionnaires there were held group discussions.
-At the end of this mobility was elaborated a
Common Report of the LTTA which was published on project’s Blog, Facebook and
DISSEMINATION – the presence of foreign students in school was known by all
school’s students, by their parents and local responsible for school education.
During the exchange, there were invited the members of local community and local
newspapers to make better advertising of our project.
Communication Channels where our project has been
TV: IB3 TV. Program "Pobles" day of
publication 24.5.2018 minute14
Aquesta setmana es celebra la visita de
mestres i alumnes d'escoles de Bulgària, Itàlia, Grècia, Romania i Turquia,
països socis dins el projecte europeu "CULTURAL MAPPING OF EUROPE"
que tenim el plaer de coordinar i tindrà una durada de 2 anys.
Aquest programa, té com a objectius
fonamentals l'intercanvi de bones pràctiques i coneixença dels diferents països
a partir dels principals monuments de la UNESCO, implicar la participació de
tota la comunitat educativa i la millora en l'adquisició de la competència en
llengua anglesa.
Una de les claus és dur endavant dinàmiques cooperatives, emprant les
tecnologies de la informació i comunicació (TIC) per tal de dur a terme la
mateixa tasca al mateix temps a països diferents. Per altra banda, es pretén
internacionalitzar l'alumnat apropant-los a la realitat europea i desenvolupar
així una identitat com a ciutadans europeus.
Dintre d’aquest projecte europeu un grup d’alumnes del nostre centre
realitzaren el mes d’abril una visita d’ensenyament-aprenentatge a Bulgària.
Durant el curs 2018-2019 es realitzaran visites d'ensenyament aprenentatge a
Grècia i Itàlia.
El projecte Erasmus+ del nostre centre està co-financiat amb fons europeu.
SEPIE és l'Organisme Autònom, depenent del “Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y
Deporte” que actua com a Agència Nacional per a la gestió, difusió, promoció i
estudis del programa Erasmus+ a l'àmbit de l'educació i la formació.
És necessari fer difusió de la participació en programes europeus a centres de
primària per tal que altres centres s'engresquin amb aquestes experiències tan
enriquidores tant a nivell personal com a professional per a tota la comunitat
El nou edifici del centre es va inaugurar el passat setembre i és la segona
visita d'àmbit europeu que rep en aquest curs, ja que a l’actualitat el CEIP
Mestre Garau té en marxa dos projectes europeus.
Durant tota la setmana es realitzaran diverses activitats educatives i
Local magazine: “Pearls and Crows”
Local magazine: “Cent per Cent”
- Local magazine: "Manacor Comarca”
teachers from the school and local and partners' pupils’ parents.
For me it was the first time I left the country - this exchange of students was an extraordinary experience. I met young people from partner schools, new places and new experiences. (Miruna)
I was very happy that the Erasmus + project gave me this chance. The reason I was involved in the project was experimenting to put into practice my cultural and computer science skills by working together with my colleagues and teachers (Clara)
During the exchange of students I directly met the traditions, customs and cultural elements in Spain as well as in the countries participating in the project. We talked extensively with foreign colleagues, we worked together on costume presentations, activities that revived old medieval games, group projects and cooperation among participating students from the 6 countries. (Raluca)
I was very glad to be able to participate in mobility in Spain because I made many friends. I saw the school in Spain, I attended classes with foreign students, I saw how students learn Spanish, I saw what textbooks they use and how they have a daily schedule. I worked in craft workshops that kept the city's cultural spirit alive and realized how important it is to promote these concerns. (Ariana)
I returned more confident in my ability to communicate with foreign students, managed to establish new friendships and contacts with students from other countries. I learned new things about student life in Spain, Turkey, Italy, Bulgaria and Greece, and I enriched my knowledge of music, dances and other traditions, celebrations and cultural customs of the participating countries. I also learned expressions in Italian, Spanish and Greek. (Ana)
Istanbul, Turkey
Hello,I am an 8th grade student from Sultantepe Secondary School and my name is
Ayşıl. We had so much fun. We made many friends from other nationalities. We
participated in Erasmus+ mobility. We also made tourism posters and then we
made a presentation about Turkey touristic attractions. I will never forget the
memories I had.I think it was a great chance. This is my thirs trip outside of
my country but first with my school. It was more enjoyable than anything I had
ever done. I was very affected by the school green corner.It was a new school
and the school population was fewer than mine.
ALKAN: I left very good memories in Mallorca.-Manacor. We learned alot of
things. We visited Bearl factory,Valldemossa as Unesco. Cuevas del
Dranch(Dragon cave) of Porto Cristo an the East of Mallorca. We listened a
concert in cave. I made alot of friends at the school with foreign pupils. We
had a workshop and made a presentation. We bonded through games. They were very
enjoble to have a conversation with. I felt so lucky that I was in the Project
and want to thank everyone who joyned. I would love to see this place again.
YAVUZ: Hello ,my name is Baran. I am an artist. I was really affected by design
of Santa maria Catedral. I was very inspired by the design of building. We
definitly had lot of fun with other friends. Our hotel was overlooking the best
view. There was a swimming pool so we swam and played waterpolo alot. We
visited the school three times and we made many activities. The teachers and
partners were very friendly. We learned lot from eachother. I was always
dreaming about going to place like that. I felt very proud when I saw my
painting on the Wall of Spanisg school. I will definitly visit again.
KAAN KOÇ: Hello everyone.My name is Kaan. I am 6th grade student from
Sultantepe Secondary School.The best part of this trip was that I improved my
English and I showed Backpack dance. Everybody loved it and started doing it
with me. We enjoyed this alot. I became very popularamong Spanish students.
There was a Spanish student same as me. Like twins. Teachers and friends were
very polite and friendly.It was amazing experience for me. They celebrate my
Birthday with me.
MAVİŞ: Hello ,my name is Emirhan. I am 7th grade student in Sultantepe
Secondary School. I improved my general knowledge alot on this trip. We visited
Santuari De sant Salvador.I loved hotel and I played table tennis and waterpolo
with teachers. The other students from different countries joined us. The
headmaster and teacher helped us lots. I practising English language with other
students.We taught different phrases from our language eachother. It was the
most valuable experience of my life. Thank you Erasmus+.
"We visited an amazing cathedral in Palma de
Mallorca and we walked through the narrow streets of the town". Giovanni,
"We learned some information about the famous
Spanish Joan Miro and we painted on canvas some of his most famous paintings.
It was an authentic experience". Maria Vittoria, 14.
"We cooked a traditional Spanish meal Paamb oli.
We picked up some vegetables from the kitchen garden of the school, it was my
first time". Roberto, 14.
The Greek students were very enthusiastic about the
whole exchange. They all realized that this short week has provided them with
life memories, impressions and images they will never forget. They pointed out
how much they enjoyed the welcoming ceremony which made them feel at home at
Later on the activities organized to get them to know
each other were very successful. They also loved the opportunity they were
given to present their country through the PPT presentations and the dance they
had prepared.
Moreover, they enjoyed participating in the host
classrooms and given the chance to compare teaching methods for the same
mathematical issue. Finally, they all remarked on the kindness and hospitality
of the Spanish teachers and students. They said: “The Spanish teachers treated
us as if we were their own students”. In the end they had the opportunity to
make friends with students from the other countries and keep it up after the
end of the meeting.
Dissemination activities
Teachers’ reunion with presentation of the meeting’s
materials and highlights
Invitation to parents to attend a function where the
program was presented at the school
The students who took part at the meeting informed the
other classes about the exchange through ppt presentations and conversations
Media: An interview was given at the regional radio station
Ioanna K. “I am 12 years old and I went to Son Macia
school in Spain. It was a wonderful visit because we met the pupils from the
other schools and spoke in English together. We also had lessons with the
Spanish students and the others from the partners’ schools.”
Dimitris K. “I am a student in the 6th
grade and I was so happy to visit the Spanish school. All the teachers were so
nice and we felt at home. We danced our traditional dances and we had welcome
games to know all the other students… then we cooked and shared the food. I
will never forget these moments.”
Panselina E.”My visit to Spain is unforgettable. I
have never travelled abroad before. Me and my classmates met children from the
other European countries and made new friends-we will be friends forever!! We
loved the school, the food, the teachers and we want to go there again!!”
- Hello! My name is Iliyan Iliev. I am a student in
Vladimir Komarov Secondary school. I am in 6th grade. I love foreign languages
and it is easy for me to learn them. I am a dancer. I love Bulgarian folklore
and folk dances. I am a member of the Folklore club in Erasmus+ project
Cultural mapping of Europe.
I learned a lot about our folk dances and I wanted to
travel abroad and show to students and teachers of our partner schools the
cultural richness of my country.
It was great pleasure for me to meet a lot of friends
there. I learned too much interesting things about Spain, Spanish culture and
educational system. It was a great experience! Thank you Erasmus+!
- Hello friends! I am Velislava Boteva from Veliko
Tarnovo, Bulgaria. I am thirteen and I am a student in Vladimir Komarov
Secondary school.
To take a part in a mobility was my dream. I worked hard
and learned hard. I am a member of Technology club and we have all information
about our school clubs’ activities. It is a very interesting project.
I had a chance to travel to Son Macia, Spain. Our Spanish
week was perfect. I met a lot of kids and I made a lot of friends. I love this
- My name is Suzana Rosenova. I am from Veliko Tarnovo,
Bulgaria. I study in Vladimir Komarov Secondary school. I love my school and my
teachers because they give us knowledge and show us a lot of exciting things
all over the world. Erasmus+ project Cultural Mapping of Europe is one of them.
I love Informatics and Information Computer technologies.
I am a member of Technology club. We made photos of activities and Power Point
I was happy to take part in the Short exchange of
students in Son Macia, Spain.
I was happy to learn too much interesting things about
Spain and about Mallorka. It was a great pleasure to see presentations of my
international friends and to change ideas about our next works.
- Hello! I am Aleksandra Georgieva from Veliko Tarnovo,
Bulgaria. I am fourteen and I am a student in Vladimir Komarov Secondary
school. I love foreign languages and History. I am a member of our UNESCO club.
I love Erasmus+ project Cultural mapping of Europe. It
gives me chance to learn more and more. With my club teacher we made lots of
virtual trips in Europe and made lots of virtual visits to different UNESCO
While we were in Mallorca we could visit Valldemossa, also
we made a lot of friends and had happy time together.
I am so exiting to be a part of this project because Erasmus+
helps us to release our dreams.